Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Earth Hour!

Here's to you Earth!

I was snooping around in the "Blogs of Note" area of Blogger, and I came across "That Unreliable Girl." Her post about Earth Hour really attracted my eye so I watched the video. Holy cannoli! An estimated 50 million people last year participated in Earth Hour. Well, if those same people participate again this year, I know for sure it will be at least 50 million and 1 this March 30!

If you have an opportunity, take an hour out of your day on Saturday, and turn off all the lights in your house! TVs, computers, cellphones, hairdryers, water heaters, vacuums, and other such electricity using items too! Light some candles, play a board game, read a book, have some community time with your friends, get drunk, do something, but don't use electricity! I know you and I are both each just one person, but 50 million one persons is a lot of one persons, if you think about it!



  1. Tait, count me in, I agree that we need to take notice of the electricity we use so effortlessly, and conserve our usage.

  2. good post man,
    we gotta make some changes...
    like tupac said.

    and that other guy.. cant remember his name...

  3. Hi Tait! I've had your comment starred for ages but I'm so forgetful! Just wanted to thank you for your great comment and for spreading the word, I watched the video again so I could wave at the big chicken...was it the KFC? Haha awesome :D
